Friday, October 15, 2010

1- Introduction

Hi, and thanks for reading. The purpose of this blog is to explore and remedy several problems in the proposed RUPCO housing development plan in Woodstock's Bradley Meadows. There should be one category that EVERYBODY agrees on, and that is safety. This project MUST be safe. And, safety is already defined by various transporation codes at the state and county and town level. Given these definitions and conditions at the intersection of Playhouse Lane and Route 212, I will show that the RUPCO project, as it is proposed at this time, will make an unsafe intersection even less safe.

The project has been under review for years, so why this blog, and why now? Even though the application and review process for the project has largely passed, I could not act prior to now because I am new in town. So here I am, offering what I believe is valuable information for the safety of Woodstock. It is never, or it SHOULD never be, too late to make our roads and our town SAFE.

I am not for the project or against it. I am in favor of, and in fact will act either to make sure the project keeps the people of Woodstock safe, or, if that is not possible, that the project be cancelled in its proposed

How to Navigate this Blog: Please read the blog posts in CHRONOLOGICAL order. The next blog entry (2) outlines the approval process for the project It's not very interesting, but I promise it is not too long. The next post (3) discusses the safety problems themselves. Three more posts (4, 5 and 6) clearly show why RUPCO's traffic analysis is in error, and the danger at this intersection that this error fails to recognize. The two posts after that (7 and 8) are about the sight distance at the intersection, which is another problem, although the two problems compound each other. The next post (9) draws some conclusions about all of this, and suggests some things we can do in the immediate future.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to read about this issue.

Update: I realize that my introduction is out of date. It is May 11, 2010, over half a year since I started this blog. You can see how my thoughts have progressed as I discovered more information about RUPCO. I am now, clearly, against this project, for so many reasons I cannot list them all in this intro.

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