Friday, May 7, 2010

83- Woodstock Times Does Good; secret message

Thank you, Woodstock Times, for stepping up and doing the right thing by pursuing Jim Charles and exposing him for the twisted, unethical fake that he, Jim Charles Dougherty, really is. Here is a link to yesterday's editorial by Brian Hollander:

Brian also printed my letter, submitted Tuesday, which I insert below. Now, the letter was printed in one big paragraph in a uniform font, but for your viewing pleasure, I have played with format and font to highlight the secret message:

Don’t you think Jim Charles’ letter in last week’s paper was unfair, since he didn’t exactly accuse me of economic or racial bigotry, but only apparent economic or racial bigotry?

One way to avoid the responsibility of name-calling is by inserting the modifier “apparent,” just like Jim Charles is apparently a Woodstocker, despite not being listed, paying property taxes, or voting in this town.

Unless, of course, the more effective method of avoiding responsibility is used, and that way is of course hiding behind a fake name.

Good news: eventually, if we look long and hard enough, faux Jims get caught.

He who claims to be most ethical, but cannot resist the temptation to descend from the lofty throne of impartiality, often entraps himself in his own dangerous game.

Every man and every woman must stand up and take responsibility for his or her words and actions.

Responsibility was shirked at this paper too, which, despite an ironclad letters policy that requires writers to verify their identities with addresses or phone numbers, shamefully cannot identify this “Jim Charles.”

The one called “an apparent bigot” was me, (and by the way I deny it, see my blog and I want to know who wrote that, under a pseudonym, for publication.

Yes, he is a Woodstocker, obviously, but I deserve to know his name, to know, when I look into his face on the street, that behind the fake smile is an angry, arrogant, desperate manipulator, a cheater, a coward.

Did I know for sure it was Dougherty? No. But there are not all that many people in Woodstock who are that twisted, or who hate me that much. In fact, he might be the only one.


  1. I am horrified that the chairman of the Woodstock Ethics Board behaved in such a way that he had to resign due to illegal actios which constituted a lack of ethics. The more involved in the town politics I get, the more serious problems I see with the people running this town. It's pretty aweful..........Also, some access TV shows (David's) should be edited or eliminated as it does not meet the "before 10 p.m. radio regulations" of profanity, name calling and descriptions of committing physical aggression. It is offensive and not meant for children (or anyone else). This is Woodstock, a town of peace and love.............or is it?

  2. Wow, I miss a few days' worth of postings and come back to THIS!

    Hiding behind a pseudonym is clearly a coward's move... just sad, really.

    I'm glad you have once again provided your community with a little sunlight. Watching the critters scurry from over here in NJ...

    and yes, my name really is Shelley.
