Tuesday, February 2, 2010

33- The ABC's of the letter T

Although it might seem silly, I would like to explore the letter T, specifically the meaning of a "T intersection." When this expression is used in Creighton Manning's traffic study, the "T" is always upper case. Creighton Manning refers to the "fourth leg" of the "T" but the only T that has a fourth leg is a lower case "t".

Do you think Creighton Manning saw Playhouse and 212 as a "T" but 375 and 212 as a "t"? Well, if they did, they should have specified this difference, since their car counts were completely in line with this difference of letter shape interpretation. It's a pretty weak argument, though. I hope they have another one in mind...

Do you think this discussion is silly? I do too. However, it was RUPCO's Guy Kempe who asked George Pattison at the Woodstock Times: by what standard am I qualified to judge this traffic study?

Well, here is another part of the answer, Guy: I have authored eleven alphabet books. I have studied the shape of letters, upper case and lower case, in different fonts and different colors. My books are about cities, as well, meaning that I have observed and photographed thousands of scenes, including "T is for traffic cop" and "I is for intersection."

See here:

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