Wednesday, May 11, 2011

130- Woodstock Water Seminar with Hydrogeologist Paul Rubin: Monday, May 16, 7 PM, Woodstock Community Center

Sensible Action for Growth and Environment (SAGE) is sponsoring a presentation about Woodstock's water supply on Monday, May 16th at the Community Center.

The presenter is Paul Rubin, a hydrogeologist with 30 years experience and who has researched Woodstock's water supply.  This presentation was part of a submission to the NYS DEC that is currently evaluating RUPCO's application to attach to Woodstock's water system.

The presentation will 1) assesses what is actually known relative to the safe yield of the Woodstock water supply system and 2) concludes that it would not be prudent to add large-scale users to the system in advance of a scientifically and legally defensible safe yield determination based on empirical data collected during rigorous hydrogeologic testing.  In fact, water restriction advisories provide evidence that, at times, the existing Woodstock well field may already be stressed beyond its safe yield if water usage is not limited. The safe yield of the existing Woodstock public water supply system has never been determined in accordance with standard hydrogeologic groundwater testing procedures. 

The implications of this presentation are important not only for RUPCO, but for other proposals for expansion of commercial activity within the water district.

(This notice was lifted in its entirety from Ken Panza's email. Thank you Ken.)

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