Wednesday, June 9, 2010

89- Hi, I'm Back from a Trip to the Past

Over the last couple of weeks, I have taken a break from the particulars of RUPCO in Bradley Meadows to consider the long view of affordable housing in Woodstock, which requires a study of the past. One of the things I did was go up to the Town Clerk's office, where they are always helpful and friendly, by the way, and request, and receive, all of the available documents produced by the Affordable Housing Committee that eventually invited RUPCO to town to develop the property currently under consideration for an affordable housing project.

I want to start to tell you about what the Woodstock Affordable Housing Committee did in 2003 and 2004, and what it recommended to the town, before it disbanded. I divide my report into four distinct areas:

a. mission statement
b. summary of work, letter to Town Board, April 19, 2004
c. accessory apartments effort
d. The concerned citizens of Zena

I have lots of goodies to share, but alas, today is already booked. I'll be back with succulent details later tonight or later this week.

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